Sunday, February 6, 2011

Senator Barack Obama on Afro-Latinos!

Came across this letter Sen. Obama sent to the President in 2005. I'd like to point out that more than 5 years later, nothing profound has been done to decrease the marginalization of our Afro-Latino hermanos y hermanas. BUT we will press on....

P.S. Thanks for sharing Meli-Poo!

MAY 25, 2005

Mr. President, I rise today to bring attention to the situation of
Afro-Latinos throughout Latin America, in the hopes that we can encourage
more action on this issue. From Colombia to Brazil to the Dominican
Republic to Ecuador, persons of African descent continue to experience
racial discrimination and remain among the poorest and most marginalized
groups in the entire region. While recent positive steps have been taken
in some areas-- for example, giving land titles to Afro-Colombians and
passing explicit anti-discrimination legislation in Brazil-- much work
still needs to be done to ensure that this is the beginning of an ongoing
process of reform, not the end.

In places where civil conflict has taken hold, Afro-Latinos are much more
likely to become victims of violence or refugees in their own countries.
In many areas, Afro-Latinos are also subject to aggression by local police
forces at far greater rates than those perceived to be white. Access to
health services is another serious concern, and recent studies have shown
that Afro-Latino communities are at greater risk of contracting HIV/AIDS.

In the last Congress, there was not one mention in the Senate of the
millions of Afro-Latinos who continue to experience this widespread
discrimination and socioeconomic marginalization. Now is the time for more
action on this issue, not less. Emerging civil society groups are growing
stronger throughout many countries in Latin America, and this growth
should be encouraged as it presents important opportunities for
partnerships and collaboration. I look forward to working with my
colleagues in the Senate and House on this critical concern in the coming
months, and I believe that together we can and will make a difference.
Thank you. 

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