Tuesday, February 15, 2011

National Teen Dating Violence and Prevention Month!

Did you all know February is also National Teen Dating Violence and Prevention Month?!? This special month was started by President Obama in 2010.

Also, did you know that youth ages 16-24 experience the highest rates of intimate partner violence of any age group?

This past weekend I was fortunate enough to participate in the "Power of Know" Youth Conference here in Sacramento. I was trained to facilitate three workshops for youth ages 13-18. What I liked most about this conference was that not only were we able to fully define a health relationship and the cycle of power and control in an unhealthy relationship, we were also able to educate the teens on how to recognize and STOP teen dating violence, or prevent it from the very beginning.

This was such a great learning experience for me as it allowed me to learn right along with our youth. It's sad to admit but this is something that is very relevant in my life and in our communities! I am also very lucky to have mentors like Dr. Miller (read a snippet about her in todays NYTs article) and organizations like WEAVE setting great examples on education and support for this issue.

So Be Educated and take a further step by educating others! ;-)

P.S. Here is are two other great links I found. The first one has an interesting article on the Bystander Effect that apparently took place in the show The Jersey Shore!



1 comment:

  1. There are so many insecure teens along with the peer pressures and learning to date is stressful. Just to fit in many put up with a lot of different abuse.
