Friday, January 7, 2011

"Corrective Rape" for "Curing Lesbianism?!?"

So i've thought a lot about whether or not to share information about some of the campaigns I'm involved with, here on my blog. Other than helping raise money for our student-run clinics, i've pretty much held my tongue. However, over the past week i've received THREE emails regarding an issue that apparently has been making international headlines. Anyone who is also a member of may know that they NEVER send out more than one email per issue. So ya'll know I HAD to go get the dirty deetz!

Apparently the "Declare 'Corrective Rape' a Hate Crime" (in S. Africa) campaign has officially become the MOST successful campaign ever launched on (and lemme tell you, they have tons of campaigns to support on their site). To KISS (keep it simple stupid) the issue, the campaign is calling to put an end to "corrective rape." This term literally means to cure lesbians of their disease by having a male rape them. DISGUSTING, I know. The website can give you more information but here are some facts that caught my eye:

In the last 10 years:
 -31 lesbian women have been murdered because of their sexuality
 -More than 10 lesbians a week are raped or gang raped in Cape Town alone
 -150 women are raped every day in South Africa
 -For every 25 men accused of rape in South Africa, 24 walk free

Sign the petition if your heart desires....

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