Thursday, February 3, 2011

Golden Showers....Why are they Yellow?

Ever wonder why your pee is yellow?

Let’s start with some science! Hemoglobin is the wagon in our blood that carries oxygen to our organs. Heme can be thought of as the wheels of this wagon. Iron is part Heme, and can be thought of the screws that hold the wheels to the wagon (this is why we need iron in our diets…to transport oxygen to our organs!)

So after 120 days, our immune system will kill recycle/breakdown Heme to eventually make Bile. You may or may not know that Bile is used to help us digest our food in our intestines! Anyway, the bacteria in our intestines (yes we have “good” bacteria everywhere in our bodies) breakdown the Bile and transport it to our kidney. The kidney allows us to excrete whatever is left of the Bile into our urine, and in the process it converts it from green Bile into yellow. Hence. The yellow tinge of our urine! So to recap, the yellow color comes from the breakdown of the wagon that carries oxygen in our blood!

I thought this was sooo cool…I know im super sexy4science. Fun facts are…..F-U-N! 

P.S. I hope y'all liked the title! ;-)

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