Saturday, January 29, 2011

Lymphoma and Their Tie to Breast Implants

A reader recently emailed me asking me to write a peice on lymphoma (a type of breast cancer). Ironically I recently read a peice on the NYTs or maybe NPR about the link between breast implants and large cell lymphoma. So, I'll try my best to explain the little bit I know.

Lymphoma is a type of cancer that develops in our lymph cells, which are part of our immune system. Lymph cells/lymphocytes are a type of white blood cell that travel in our circulation and whose primary function is to catch any foreign invaders (aka germs). These lymph cells party in different "clubs" in our bodies, and these are called lymph nodes. These sexy nodes can be found all throughout our body. In the top half of our body, these nodes are found under our tongue, under our jaw, around our ears, under our clavicle, and in our arm pits (this is the reason we must also rub in our arm pit during self breast exams).

Anyway, lymphomas are usually found as solid masses in these nodes. However, these nodes regularly become enlarged when we are fighting an infection (ie. like a throat infection) but can also be associated with cancer.

The NYTs article I came across was linking breast implants with an increased risk of developing a type of lymphoma. It is not breast cancer but a type if lymphoma that begins at the scar tissue that forms around the implant. The article also said that there was not enough data to completely link the lymphoma with breast implants, but one thing was clear, the risk for developing lymphoma was greater for women with breast implants than without.

I also beleive that in the future, we will begin seeing more and more nasty side effects linked to breast implants. But of course we will have to wait years and years until we have all the proper data to start mandating tons of rules for their usage.

Moral of the the boobs momma gave you, and remember to give yourself a proper breast exam (get into all those arm pit nodes) once a month!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Quote of the Week!

I overlooked this one while studying for finals....enjoy!

"Studying for finals is like being pregnant, you have this constant need to eat but nothing seems to fill you up. You have cravings, but don't quite know what it is. There's 20lb pounds of weight gain....except none of it is the baby. It sucks everything out of you, "like a parasit." And of course you can't wait to be done with it!"

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Gender Discrimination on my Back Porch!

During my Sunday ritual of morning tea and news, I came across an alarming article in the Huffington Post titled, "UC Davis Professor asked Students How to Grade New Mother." I was excited to see my school in the news, but the title seemed quite red flaggish. Apparently a third year student at the UC Davis Vet School had recently given birth and "would be out for an unknown period of time." The article was mainly focused on an email that a professor sent the rest of the third year class asking for their help in grading this unnamed student. 

Yes, you read that right. A professor sent the ENTIRE third year class an email asking for their help in deciding how this new mother should be graded. Here were the options:

a) automatic A final grade
b) automatic B final grade
c) automatic C final grade
d) graded the same as everyone else: best 6 quiz scores out of a possible 7 quiz scores (each quiz only given only once in class with no repeats)
e) just take a % of quiz scores (for example: your classmate takes 4 quizzes, averages 9/10 points = 90% = A)
f) give that student a single final exam at the end of the quarter (however this option is only available to this one student, all others are graded on the best 6 quiz scores and the % that results)

The biggest problem I have with this, which someone kindly planted into my head, was that there was clearly NO pre-plan for this new student mother. Her academic advisors, and the institution itself have completely failed her. I mean having a baby isn't something that happens overnight! Both parties had 8-9 months to plan a new restructured academic plan for her so that they wouldn't be running around like chickens with their head's cut off (which is what this email insinuates). 

Now the reason for both parties not reaching a mutual agreement is the second problem. Was this student scared to contact the administration at her school? Or maybe, just maybe she plans on continuing on, regardless of the situation? It is hard to know the exact situation, but it is very clear that such an email is gender discrimination. It is an attack on this student's welfare and dignity. 

What is most scary is that it is happening in my own back yard. Thumbs down Davis Vet School...thumbs down... :-(

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Quote of the Week!

While studying digestion...

"So when starving, is it more effective to cut off a part of your body and eat it? Or is it better to let your body eat itself?"

Friday, January 7, 2011

"Corrective Rape" for "Curing Lesbianism?!?"

So i've thought a lot about whether or not to share information about some of the campaigns I'm involved with, here on my blog. Other than helping raise money for our student-run clinics, i've pretty much held my tongue. However, over the past week i've received THREE emails regarding an issue that apparently has been making international headlines. Anyone who is also a member of may know that they NEVER send out more than one email per issue. So ya'll know I HAD to go get the dirty deetz!

Apparently the "Declare 'Corrective Rape' a Hate Crime" (in S. Africa) campaign has officially become the MOST successful campaign ever launched on (and lemme tell you, they have tons of campaigns to support on their site). To KISS (keep it simple stupid) the issue, the campaign is calling to put an end to "corrective rape." This term literally means to cure lesbians of their disease by having a male rape them. DISGUSTING, I know. The website can give you more information but here are some facts that caught my eye:

In the last 10 years:
 -31 lesbian women have been murdered because of their sexuality
 -More than 10 lesbians a week are raped or gang raped in Cape Town alone
 -150 women are raped every day in South Africa
 -For every 25 men accused of rape in South Africa, 24 walk free

Sign the petition if your heart desires....

                                     Petitions by|Start a Petition »

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

UCD-SOM Investing in Primary Care Physicians!

My school was recently (well back in November) featured on PBS in its series on Health Reform. This video was about the shortage of primary care physicians in California, and what our school is doing to inspire medical students like me to go into primary care! It's actually very interesting...check it out!

PBS: In California, UCD-SOM Faces Down a Shortage of Primary Care Physicians

P.S. Sorry I couldn't embed the video :-/

Megavitamin Therapy?!?

A recent reader left me a comment asking me about "megavitamin" therapy. Although I have only heard of it briefly, here are the things I know about it. Megavitamin therapy has been proposed to be successful in treating depression, gout, and even cancer. However, I don't exactly know if there exists any HARD evidence to support this.

In the US, drugs/treatments need to go through an extensive list of tests before being put on the market. This incudes a wide array of clinical trials on a rodent, non-rodent, and than of course, humans. I am almost 100% certain that many of these megavitamin therapies are currently undergoing these tests, but as far as I am concerned, I don't beleive any of them have passed.

I think the biggest criticism of megavitamin therapy came with an array of clinical trials proving that megadoses of Vit C did nothing to help prevent or alleviate the common cold.

Once again, I have only briefly heard of this, and would love the input of someone with more knowledge! There is also a documentary my reader mentioned about this, and hopefully we can get that link out soon!

Check back for more deetz!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Why Can’t our Past Stay Where it Belongs?

In light of my recent hacking by my ex, I thought I would write a piece on "stalking" and the categories of stalking that exist in today's society. In the American Journal of Psychiatry, PE Mullen develops 6 categories/types of stalkers. They are:

1) Rejected Stalker
2) Resentful Stalker
3) Predatory Stalker
4) Intimacy Seeker
5) Incompetent Suitor
6) Cyberstalker

According to the National Center for Victims of Crime (NCVC), over 1 million women and over 370,000 men are victims of stalking each year in the United States. Furthermore, a study done between the years of 1992 and 1996 showed that most stalking occurred in the workplace. According to the United States Justice Department, these “stalkings” included,

  • 1.5 million assaults
  • 51,000 rapes
  • 84,000 robberies
  • Over 1000 homicides (disgruntled employees--usually resentful stalkers--are responsible for 
most workplace homicides)

So how do we protect ourselves?!? Well the NCVC website has some amazing resources that you should check out here. They also have some real simple steps to get you started, here are my top 5:

  • Don’t be afraid to report suspicious activity. Even if no crime has been committed, at least there will be a police record of inappropriate behavior on file, in case further action needs to be taken.
  • If you are being cyber-stalked or harassed online, save and print all conversations and messages as evidence.
  • Travel in groups as often as possible. There’s safety in numbers.
  • File a restraining order.
  • Don’t show fear. Stalkers prey on victims who are easily intimidated, so it is important to keep your guard up.

Most importantly, don’t ignore the problem! If you sense any anti-sexy/fishy activity please take some action. Chances are the activity will continue or get worse. So take control of the situation and bee safe! 

Return of Sexy4Science!

First and foremost...Happy New Year!

After a long hiatus by choice, due to finals, and by force, due to a hacker....The blog is back. I have many new topics for all of you and maybe even some guest bloggers!

Thanks for the 2,000+ hits over the past months!

Happy Reading :-)