Friday, October 29, 2010


Had the world's most herrible anatomy lab today. I can pretty much stand smelling and seeing everything gross (as long as its not coming from my body), but today was the absolute anti-sexy4science day in anatomy lab.

It was "skull" day, meaning we had to cut/saw through Allen's skull (the name of my cadaver...not his actual name, but the sexy name I gave him, because I refuse to be working on a no-name slob).

Anyway, the smell of burning human bone must be the worst smell on earth! Bleh!!!! Try thinking of that burning smell at the dentist when they're drilling one of your cavities...times 100! There was skull dust flying everywhere and that stench seems to be permanently stuck in my hair and!!!! Ha!

BUT you best believe I had to get my hands on that saw then I realized I could cut off a finger, so I passed it to the only male in our group.

Ahhh I guess "skull" day is just another right of passage to those two initials after my last name....le sigh....

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Quotes of the Week!

So on our student run webpages we have a section titled "Quotes." I must say they are pretty fucken hilarious. Given that med students are overworked, overwhelmed, and sleep deprived, some of the words that come out of our mouths are pure comedy! Some of them are also verrrrry erotically inappropriate, oh did I fail to mention about 80% of us are also sexually frustrated beyond belief! Ha!

Anyway, I want to post my fav quote of the week here for your enjoyment!

So here is the first one...

Student 1: "Is it possible to have kids as a surgeon?"

Surgeon: "Well, geez! They don't surgically remove your uterus on the first day!"

Always Wanted Dimples?

Why do some people have dimples, while others don't?

Well, we all have a muscle called the zygomaticus major that runs from our cheek bone to the side of our mouth. BUT for those lucky few that do have dimples, they have an extra little muscle cleverly named the zygomaticus minor. This minor muscle is an accessory muscle that accessorizes your face with cute little dimples.  Or if your an extra odd ball like me, I have a minor muscle on the right side of my face and no minor muscle on the left, thus only a dimple on my right side. Even more interesting is its ability to come out during random times, but mostly when I'm thinking, "Breezie, please!" 

Med school gives you sore arms!

Hahaha I should have seen this one coming...but after yesterday's post, Re: How long will the ER keep breathing for you? I wake up today with supppper tender shoulder muscles. I guess that's what happens when you compress a grown man's chest (or a dummy in my case) at two compressions per second for 2mins for about maybe a total of 20-25mins yesterday morning.

Man, saving fake lives is no joke!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

How long will the ER keep breathing for you?

Today I participated in an ER simulation for ER residents 1-3. They came in to our little "make believe" trauma room and were presented with a certain case.

The R1s had a 65yo man come in with cardiac arrest. About 5 mins in he looses his pulse and here I come...all 5'1 and 120lbs of me trying to compress his chest (administer CPR). Luckily, one of the residents was thoughtful enough to pull out a stepping stool for me...hahaha.

Anyway, after intubating and administering oxygen, we defribillate him (zap him with some electric charge) and continue chest compressions. Still, no pulse. After about 20 or so mins and three rounds of zapping, we finally get a pulse and save the day! lol...

Anyway, the common sense question was how long do you basically breathe and act like the heart for a patient before you finally "call it?" Well according to the attendings, 30mins.

THIRTY mins is all the time your heart gets to get back in the game....So let's just hope all of our hearts get that memo before we go into cardiac arrest!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Physiological Purpose for Sighing!

Ever wonder why homo sapiens "sigh?"

Well according to my HPH400 Physio class, the reason is because it increases the turnover rate for the surfactant in our lungs!

Surfactant is a compound found in everyone's lungs that lower it's surface tension. It basically helps keep our lungs from collapsing. And like all things in life, when it is used, it must be replaced. Thus the role of "sighing!"

So the next time you feel a little down in the dumps...go ahead and sigh...I promise it's good for you!

Ahhh the "Blog"

I've always wanted to have a blog, but just never knew what to write about. If you know me, you know I can have about one billion thoughts and opinions running through my mind at any given time, so it can be hard to put down on paper. Hahaha

However, during these first 3 months of medical school, I've encountered sooo many situations (both interesting and morbidly boring) that I thought would be fun to share with my friends and loved ones!

I also tend to have a different POV on things bc 1) I'm a minority 2) I'm a fortunate fool 3) bc DUH I'm sexy for science. Soooo, this blog will be a manifestation of all those factors rolled into one sweet little post!

I hope everyone enjoys it...or at least lies and say they do! ;-)

WTF does "S.M.D." stand for?!?

Well, in our Doctoring 1 class we are taught to introduce ourselves to patients by saying, "Hi, I'm Krystal and I will be your student doctor today."

So S.M.D. stands for no other than, Student Medical Doctor....get it?